Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Here we are, finally in NSW. Yeehaa! We have crossed the border and finally feel like we are getting somewhere. It is dinner time and A is rustling up a wicked stir fry with the organic veggies that Robyn gave to us and our three are being greatly entertained watching The Three Stooges . A DVD I bought for $2 in Ballarat. How can one buy a DVD for just $2??? The mighty Murray. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I certainly wasn’t expecting Echuca to be quite so historic looking, what with the old port and surrounds. There are riverboats everywhere up and down the river. Today was spent like any other Sunday …. catching up on washing and friends, plenty of both. Our friend Mindy and her sister had spotted on the blog that we were in Echuca where they had a wedding this weekend. She called us up and we all met up for brunch today. It was great to see them all. Then Robyn, Phil and Eric met up with us and we went for a cruise on the river. It was great to see the old steam engine and paddle in action, but I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that we never got past the riverboats and houses. I had been hoping that we would go a bit further upstream. It was lovely to see the Bendigo crew one last time. They have been wonderfully generous and inspiring and it has been great to share so much. Tomorrow night we are going to Barmah State Park, a little East of here and hopefully see the Murray in it’s more natural state. Having said that our campsite at Maiden Heads just outside Moama on the river is proving to be quite an exciting wildlife spot. Each morning and evening large flocks of Galahs and Cockatoos head off for the day and arrive home to roost. The noise is incredible and fills the sky, the bus, our heads. We are parked right on the banks of the river and they use the trees just above us and across the water. They are incredibly loud and chatter with each other as if they are catching up on the days news! Tonight Andre, Rennie and Jarra spotted some possums when they were coming back from the shower and we all trooped out to have a look. Armed with some nice pear we enticed them to come down and eat from our hands. I know some people see them as pest, but to me they will always be right up there in the cute animal stakes. The kids loved hand feeding them. What is the special magic about hand feeding animals??? I even have to admit that it was a thrill for me to take my turn, such a precious moment. Not one to be found watching TV in suburbia. H


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