The Eel Festival at Lake Bolac was an interesting event. Not quite as big as what I imagined, but being only the third year it can only get bigger and better. The quality of the music was fantastic and I am sure it will attract a larger audience in the future. Unfortunately Lake Bolac is pretty dry, being a salt lake means that the salinity is double what it should be and subsequently most of the eels have died. It was an important place for the Aborigines in the past, a gathering place to harvest the eels. I bumped into a couple of people I knew. Robyn who we bought our bus from was there with her two boys (Hi guys!) and it was great to catch up. She gave me a hard time about not keeping the blog up to date, so here you are!! Also bumped into a guy who came to Camp years ago, Ian from the band Suade. I took along a couple of pieces to show in their art exhibition. I made a piece called “Eel Festival” which the Committee of the Festival bought and want to use in their promotions for next year which I was really happy about. So if you are interested I would recommend going to the Festival next year, I hope to see you there.
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