Thursday, November 09, 2006


It looks like our bus is now leak free and ready to roll. Roy the mechanic fixed the leaky crank seal today, he was a very nice guy who knows his stuff and he reckons that the motor will loosen up a bit after the first 1000kms and will be good for us. The original mechanics in Cairns are paying for it. While Helen spent the afternoon op shopping and grocery gathering I took the kids back to Lake Eacham and we had a nice walk around it. The path is 3 kms around through lovely rainforest, some huge, amazing trees and plenty of cyclone damage. Trees just snapped in half, then falling on other trees, some seeming to be floating in mid air as they propped themselves on other trees on their way down. Vines climbing and twisting around each other, up into the canopy, knotted and wrapped as they wind their way about. Tarzan would love this place….. It was a bit late to get to our next destination, Ravenshoe, which is pronounced like a black bird’s gardening implement and not the same bird’s foot protection, so we headed back to what we knew at Yungaburra and are parked up here again. We are going to visit Pam Dillon, a friend from Lord Somers Camp who has recently moved to the Tablelands from Palm Island. We had some donuts after dinner and it was quite ironic that a few local hoons came down to the field we were camped on that night and did some donuts of their own.


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